
I am best-known in Aotearoa New Zealand as a political commentator, essayist and researcher on race and racism, human rights, and the Asian diasporas, but also write poetry and fiction. The rest of the time I work in research and evaluation. At some point, my 2004 Landfall essay ‘Race You There’ became a foundational text for Asians in Aotearoa examining their responsibilities as Tangata Tiriti.

Born and raised in Mt Roskill, Auckland, I am Southeast Asian Chinese via Guangdong, Yunnan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. First name Tze Ming that’s T-Z-E space-no-hyphen M-I-N-G, last name Mok M-O-K, though also my name is 莫志明 but I can’t prove it.

About the banner image.